Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!
Have you read the translation of “The Tale of Genji”? a classic Japanese masterpiece of literature and the world’s first novel.
Today is the perfect day to talk about it.
It is a romantic love stories of 54 chapters, written in the 11th century by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady in waiting, in the court life of Heian period (794-1185).
The novel follows the life and entangled romantic experiences of Hikaru Genji, a nobleman and courtier.
Today, coincidently, I was writing about The Tale of Genji for my upcoming talk “Unveiling Secrets in Japanese Literature” and I couldn’t help thinking that romantic love, the pursuit of passion, the entangled love remains timeless theme for centuries even though our society has advanced.
Our hearts have never changed and probably never will.
Join me on 13 March for my monthly online talk & meeting on "Unveiling Secrets in Japanese Literature and let’s explore this topic further!
Date & Time : 13 March 7-8pm (UK time)
Organised by : www.different-level.com
Location : Zoom Online
Admission : free
Registration : from this link
Much Love,